How to Get Rid of Stickers in Your Yard: 5 Ways to Prevent Grass Burrs and Stickers on your lawn.

How to Get Rid of Stickers in Your Yard: 5 Ways to Prevent Grass Burrs and Stickers on your lawn.

Are you tired of looking at the unsightly stickers in your yard? If so, then you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with this problem. But the good news is that there are several things you can do to get rid of stickers in your yard.

The first step is to identify the type of sticker in your yard. Once you’ve identified the type of sticker, you can begin to take steps to remove them. If you’re unsure how to get rid of the stickers in your yard, don’t worry.

With some basic knowledge and the appropriate products, you can finally bid goodbye to those stubborn stickers for good. In this article, we’ll show you how to get rid of stickers in your yard so you can enjoy your gardening experience to the fullest.

There are several factors to consider when removing stickers, from identifying the type of sticker to using the right method of removal. You can learn more about how to get rid of stickers in your yard by continuing to read.

Quick Overview of Stickers.

Many different kinds of stickers, such as Grass burs, Sticker Burrs/Burr Stickers, Sandburs, Lawn/Grass Stickers, and Pricking Monsters, are common in dry states like Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. There are a variety of prickly weeds that thrive in hot climates.

Understanding Stickers.

Summer is when Stickers invade a wide variety of areas, including lawns, sports fields, pastures, and even roadsides, to breed. These annual grassy weeds have sharp and prickly structures that can cause skin irritation and discomfort upon contact. Furthermore, extracting Stickers from clothing and shoes can be difficult and arduous.

Stickers in your Yard

Preferred Habitat and Adaptability.

Stickers have a preference for sandy soil; nonetheless, they possess the ability to thrive in different soil types. This adaptability allows them to propagate to diverse locations and infiltrate your lawn. Understanding knowledge about burrs’ life cycle is crucial for employing successful treatment alternatives.

Identifying Stickers in Your Yard.

Identification of Stickers In your Yard

Stickers possess tiny barbs or hooks that allow them to adhere to surfaces such as clothes, animal fur, and human skin. Their presence can impede outdoor activities and harm children and pets on your lawn. Being able to identify the existence of stickers is vital in choosing the correct strategy of action to tackle the issue.

Overall, Stickers, such as Grassburs, can be a frustrating and painful presence in your yard. Understanding their characteristics, implementing effective removal techniques, and adopting preventive measures are essential for maintaining a sticker-free environment.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Stickers

Stickers, also known as grass burs, can be frustrating in your yard. These prickly weeds cause discomfort and can spread rapidly if left unchecked. This section will explore the best methods for getting rid of stickers, including herbicides, proper lawn maintenance, and eco-friendly alternatives.

The best way to get rid of these stickers is to prevent them from growing in the first place. Regularly mowing your lawn and removing any weeds before they can produce seeds is one of the most effective ways to keep your lawn free of stickers.

The most common way to remove stickers from the grass is using herbicides. If you’re wondering, What chemical kills stickers in the grass? Various options are available on the market. However, choosing an herbicide that contains natural ingredients and is safe for the environment is essential.

How to get rid of stickers in Yard Texas Here are a few methods to help you.


Hand Picking Weed

Removing stickers from your lawn can be daunting, but hand-picking is a tried and tested method that delivers results. All you need is a pair of gloves, and you can start pulling up any weeds with stickers on them.

Plants, including their roots, should be removed from the ground to prevent them from returning. While it may seem tedious, hand-picking is one of the most effective and eco-friendly ways to get rid of stickers on your lawn.

Weed killers

If you do not feel like handpicking the stickers off your lawn, you can also use weed killers to eliminate them. However, choosing a product that is safe for your grass and won’t harm other plants in your yard is important. Follow the instructions carefully and apply the product according to the recommended dosage.

Use a Pre-Emergent Herbicide

For the effective treatment of grass burs, pre-emergent herbicides are highly recommended. These products should be applied before seeds germination, mostly when the soil temperature falls between 52 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. North Texas cities advise that pre-emergent products be applied by April 1st.

Applying the product every 6 weeks until September is recommended for severe infestations. Regarding light infestations, two applications spaced 6 weeks apart may be sufficient. Clear away leaves and grass clippings before applying pre-emergent herbicides to achieve optimal results.

How to Get Rid of Stickers in Your Yard Naturally

There is no doubt that plenty of chemical treatments are available to get rid of stickers in your yard, but there are also natural ways to do so. Here are some tips on how you can get rid of those pesky stickers in a natural way


There is no doubt that vinegar is a natural weed killer that can be effective when it comes to getting rid of stickers on your lawn. The chemicals should be mixed in a spray bottle in a one-part vinegar to one-part water ratio and applied directly to the stickers. Ensure you do not spray vinegar on other plants, as vinegar can also harm them and vinegar is also a good source to get rid of ground moles which are small burrowing mammals that can be found in gardens, and home lawns.

Use Baking Soda

I remember a summer when our backyard was infested with stickers, and it felt like an impossible battle. A friend recommended using baking soda, and I decided to give it a try. I followed the steps outlined above, cautiously sprinkling the baking soda on those relentless stickers.

After watering the soil, I was surprised at the results. The stickers and weeds that had been causing so much frustration gradually withered away, leaving behind a much more pleasant and sticker-free backyard. It was such a relief to find an effective and eco-friendly solution.

However, I did learn the hard way about the importance of using baking soda sparingly. In my enthusiasm to get rid of the stickers, I accidentally applied too much baking soda in one area, and it did indeed damage some of the surrounding plants.

So, I can’t stress enough how vital it is to exercise caution and moderation when using baking soda as a remedy for stickers in your garden.

Apply Fertilizer

Fertilizers can actually help in the fight against stickers, despite its counterproductive appearance. Stickers struggle to compete with healthy and well-nourished lawn grass. After applying the herbicide and mowing your lawn, apply a suitable fertilizer to boost the growth of your lawn grass.

This will create a dense and robust turf, making it difficult for stickers to thrive. Reapply fertilizer 7 to 14 days after the first application to ensure your lawn grass grows optimally and is competitive with stickers.

Keep Your Lawn Watered

When it comes to nurturing a lush and weed-free lawn, maintaining the right water balance is crucial. You should pay close attention to how much water you give your lawn to ensure its optimal health.

Regular watering plays a significant role in fostering a thick and vibrant lawn that can outcompete troublesome elements like grass burs. These prickly invaders struggle to thrive in moist conditions, so it’s vital to strike the right balance. Overwatering should be avoided, as grass burs have an aversion to excessive moisture.

Mow with a Bag

To avoid spreading sticker seeds while mowing your lawn, it’s recommended to set your mower’s height to a lower level and use a bag to gather the clippings. Furthermore, mowing your lawn a few times each week during the first two weeks is advised to reduce the risk of seed dispersal.

Consider Eco-Friendly Alternatives

If eco-friendliness is your passion, use orange oil as an herbicide instead. Simply follow the application instructions and administer it to your lawn from May through July. Orange oil is recognized as an organic weed killer and can be a sustainable method for combatting stickers.

While stickers are rather stubborn to remove, it should be noted that in severe infestations, it may be necessary to use more potent herbicides to get rid of the stickers.

How to Prevent Grass Burrs and Stickers on your lawn.

Grass Burrs And Stickers in your Yard

The beauty of a lawn is a hallmark of a well-maintained property. However, maintaining a perfect lawn can be challenging, especially when dealing with the problem of grass burrs and stickers.

These pesky weeds can ruin the overall look of your lawn and cause discomfort and inconvenience if they stick to your shoes, clothes, or pet’s feet. Fortunately, you can take some simple steps to prevent grass burrs and stickers from invading your lawn.

1. Mow Regularly

One of the best ways to prevent grass burrs and stickers on your lawn is to mow regularly. This keeps the grass short and prevents the growth of stickers and burrs. By mowing your lawn frequently, you keep the grass short and prevent the growth of unwanted nuisances like stickers and burrs. So, make sure you add mowing to your lawn care routine to keep your lawn healthy, beautiful, and burr-free.

2. Water Properly

Maintaining a healthy lawn requires the right amount of watering regularly. Overwatering can promote the growth of weeds and stickers and always your home backyard look wet, while underwatering can make the grass more susceptible to damage.

The best way to water your lawn is to do so deeply and infrequently, which means watering less often but for a longer period of time. A stronger lawn can be achieved by promoting deep root growth.

3. Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn can help to prevent the growth of unwanted plants like stickers and burrs. A well-nourished lawn is less susceptible to weeds and pests.

It is recommended to fertilize your lawn once or twice a year, depending on the type of grass and the climate in your area. Depending on your preferences, you can choose organic or synthetic fertilizers.

4. Use Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Pre-emergent herbicides are weed killer that prevents weeds and stickers from germinating. These herbicides are applied before the plants emerge, usually in the spring or fall. When using herbicides, it is important to follow the instructions carefully since they can be harmful if used incorrectly.

5. Hire a Lawn Care Service

If you don’t have the time or expertise to maintain your lawn, you can hire a lawn care service. These professionals can help you to prevent the growth of weeds and stickers by providing regular mowing, watering, and fertilization. They can also apply herbicides and remove unwanted plants from your lawn.

Furthermore, preventing the growth of grass burrs and stickers on your lawn requires regular maintenance and proper care. By following these tips, you can enjoy a healthy and beautiful lawn without the hassle of unwanted plants.


Getting rid of stickers in your yard can be frustrating and time-consuming, but it can be done effectively with the right tools and techniques.

By identifying the type of sticker you’re dealing with, using the appropriate tools, and maintaining a regular yard maintenance routine, you can reduce the presence of stickers in your yard and enjoy a more pleasant outdoor space.

Always wear protective gloves and clothing when handling stickers and dispose of them properly to prevent them from spreading to other areas.

With persistence and patience, you can enjoy a sticker-free, safe, and comfortable yard for you and your family.


What is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Stickers in Your Yard?

One of the fastest ways to get rid of stickers in your yard is to use a specifically designed herbicide to target stickers. Alternatively, you can manually remove the stickers using gloves and a rake to pull them from the ground. It is important to dispose of the stickers properly to prevent them from spreading to other areas of your yard.

Why is My Yard Full of Stickers?

There are several reasons why your yard may be full of stickers. One possibility is that the stickers come from a type of weed called burrweed or sandbur. These weeds produce small, spiky seeds that can easily attach to clothing or fur and spread across the yard.
Another reason could be that the stickers are coming from a type of grass or plant that produces similar spiky seeds. Additionally, poor lawn maintenance and soil health can lead to an increase in weed growth, including the growth of sticker-producing plants.
Regular lawn care, including mowing and weed control, can help reduce the presence of stickers in your yard.

When Should I Spray My Yard for Stickers?

The best time to spray your yard for stickers is early spring or fall when the weeds are actively growing. It’s important to use a selective herbicide that targets the specific type of weed that produces stickers, as a broad-spectrum herbicide can harm other plants and beneficial insects.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the herbicide label carefully and apply it when there is no chance of rain for at least 24 hours. It’s also a good idea to wear protective clothing and avoid spraying on windy days to prevent drift.

Albert Phipps

Hello, I’m Albert Phipps, your trusted professional gardener. I have a deep passion for nurturing nature’s beauty, With years of experience in landscaping. I’m dedicated to creating lush, vibrant gardens and outdoor spaces.

If you’re seeking guidance on plant selection, grass care, pest control products, garden design, or lawn maintenance tips, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m here to help you transform your outdoor space into a thriving and serene landscape.

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